Tokyu Plaza Ginza 東急プラザ銀座

Tokyu Plaza Ginza is a fairly big shopping complex with many fashionable shops in Ginza area. It is fairly new complex built in 2016. 東急プラザ銀座は多くのファッショナブルな店舗を持つ大きなショッピングモールです。この建物は2016年に竣工され、銀座界隈では比較的新しいビルに属します。 The nice roof terrace is open to public. 屋上が利用者に一般開放されています。 You can rest and walk around this roof terrace. This place has very nice open air …

Tokyo Gate Bridge 東京ゲートブリッジ

Tokyo Gate Bridge was constructed to connect Central Breakwater and Wakasu which are both landfill reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay Area. 東京ゲートブリッジは、東京湾の埋め立て地、中央防波堤と若洲を結ぶために作られました。 This is a very large bridge which full span is 2,618m including land area. この橋は非常に大きな橋で、陸上部も含めた総延長は 2,618m あります。 It is fairly new bridge constructed in 2011. And it very …

Yearly first visit at Yahagi Shrine 矢作神社へ初詣

Typically the new years day is the most important yearly event for Japanese people. Many people will visit shrine or temple during new year days. 日本人にとって、正月(元旦)は年間イベントの中で最も重要なものです。多くの人々が神社やお寺に初詣に行きます。 Most people visit shrines or temples in the morning on January 1st, but some visit there right after it turned to be the new …

UNITIKA Okazaki factory ユニチカ岡崎工場

Some factories appearance is very appealing even if they are not famous, even if they are small. When I visit Okazaki which is a small city near Nagoya city, I found very attractive factory. That was “Unitika Okazaki factory”. 一部の工場の外観には、それがたとえ無名だったり、小さなものであっても、特別な魅力があるものがあります。私が名古屋の近くの岡崎市という小さな都市を訪問した際、非常に惹きつけられる外観を持った工場を見つけました。「ユニチカ岡崎工場」です。 This factory is located in Hinakita-machi, Okazaki city, Aichi prefecture. …

Meiji Jingu, magnificent shrine right in the middle in Tokyo 東京中心部にありながら広大で荘厳な神社「明治神宮」

Japanese shrines worship Japanese gods. “Meiji Jingu” is one of the major shrines in Japan. This shrine was built in 1920 to worship Meiji emperor and his wife. Although this place was newly built by planging trees, the magnificent atmosphere of this place is as if it has been there …

Cherry blossoms in Kinuta Park 砧公園のさくらの開花

”Sakura”, Cherry Blossoms are one of the most famous flowers in Japan. Usually they bloom in early April, but this year, they bloomed on 15 March in Tokyo because of warm winter temparature. 15 March is the eariest record of blooming in Tokyo. 桜は日本で大人気の花の一つです。通常桜の開花は4月初頭ですが、今年は暖冬の影響もあり、東京では3月15日に開花しました。この東京の開花日は記録最も早い開花です。 There are many cherry blossom spots …

“Yanaka” nostalgic place in Tokyo 昭和の郷愁漂う街「谷中」

Yanaka is a small town from 5.2km away from Tokyo station. The nearest station is Sendagi (Tokyo Metro) or Nishi Nippori (JR). 谷中は東京駅から5.2km離れた小さな街です。最寄り駅は千駄木(東京メトロ)か西日暮里(JR)。 But it is fairly popular with various visitors especially with visitors from foreign countries. しかし、この町は旅行者、特に海外からの旅行者に大人気です。 I think the reason of the attractiveness of this place is its …

Spectacular Tokyo view from Ebisu Garden Place 恵比寿ガーデンプレイスからの壮大な景色

The location of Ebisu is 6km south west away from Tokyo station. There used to be very large Japanese beer factory “Ebisu Beer” there. But Sapporo Beer, the owner company of Ebisu beer factory decided to move the factory function from there and a vast land was generated in the …

“Japan Taxi” the new shape of taxi in Japan 日本のタクシーの新しい形「ジャパン・タクシー」

Every country has the taxi business. So do Japan. But the services and cars are not the same across the countries. Basically roads are narrow in Japan. So there is the regulation that defines “Small Car” that enables various benefits financially (tax, toll fee, etc.). The small car cannot have …

Winter illumination at Tokyo Midtown 2019 東京ミッドタウンイルミネーション2019

Tokyo Midtown is a large commercial complex that opened on March 30, 2007. It was build on the land which belongs to Japan army. It became very popular place for tourists as well as Roppongi Hills, and is connected to Roppongi station with underground passage. 東京ミッドタウンは2007年3月30日にオープンした大型複合商業施設です。もともとこの土地は防衛庁があったところで、今やここは六本木ヒルズと並んで観光客に人気がある場所です。六本木駅から地下通路でつながっています。 This place is decorated …