”Sakura”, Cherry Blossoms are one of the most famous flowers in Japan. Usually they bloom in early April, but this year, they bloomed on 15 March in Tokyo because of warm winter temparature. 15 March is the eariest record of blooming in Tokyo.

There are many cherry blossom spots in Tokyo, but I went to Kinuta Park near my house to see the cherry blossoms.

In Japanese society, “Hanami” (viewing flowers) does not mean only to see cherry blossoms. It also implies to do picnics under beautiful cherry blossoms with families or friends. I went there in the morning hours, but there were already many people to do “Hanami”.
日本社会では、「花見」とは桜を見るだけではありません。 家族や友人と美しい桜の下でピクニックをすることも意味します。 私は朝の時間にそこに行きましたが、すでに「花見」をする多くの人々がいました。

The life span of the cherry blossoms is very short, about two weeks. And they bloom only once a year. They bloom rapidly and disperse rapidly. And they accumulate the power of blooming all over a year just to bloom such a short period. We Japanese love cherry blossoms very much because of such cleanliness.
桜の花の寿命は非常に短く、2週間未満です。 年に一度の短い開花のために、一年間ひたすら力を貯め、ぱっと咲いてぱっと散る。 私たち日本人は、そのような潔さを持つ桜をとても愛しています。

I hope that the recent corona virus has converged and that everyone can visit Japan with relief.