Tokyo Gate Bridge

Tokyo Gate Bridge was constructed to connect Central Breakwater and Wakasu which are both landfill reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay Area.


This is a very large bridge which full span is 2,618m including land area.

この橋は非常に大きな橋で、陸上部も含めた総延長は 2,618m あります。

It is fairly new bridge constructed in 2011. And it very famous for its unique appearance.

この橋は 2011年に完成した、かなり新しい橋です。そして、その特異な外観のため有名です。

Tokyo Gate Bridge

The reason why this bridge has its unique appearance is that the maximum construction height of this area is restricted to 98.1m because this area is under the route of air crafts which approach Haneda International Airport. Actually I could see many aircrafts flying near this bridge when I viist this bridge.

この橋が、独特な形をしている理由は、この地帯が羽田空港に離着陸する航空機の飛行ルートの下にあり、建造物の最大高度が 98.1m に制限されているためです。私がこの橋を見に行った時も、事実飛行機が頻繁に橋の近くを飛行する姿を見ることができました。

An air craft and Tokyo Gate Bridge

This bridge is mainly for motor vehicles, but people can wall across the bridge. There is a sidewalk for pedestrians along this bridge.


Sidewalk for pedestrians

But for now, we can only go up to the sidewalk by using stairway in this tower, and go down the same stairway. We cannot land the opposite side of this bridge.


The entry tower for the sidewalk
The entry tower and sidewalk
The entrance gate of the tower (sidewald level)
Tower level information
The name plate “Tokyo Gate Bridge” at the tower entrance (sidewalk level)

The maximum height of the sidewalk is 61m high from the sea level.


The information board along the sidewalk

So it has a very nice view. You can see many landmarks in Tokyo from here.


Tokyo Tower
Tokyo Sky Tree
Odaiba bay area

The walking distance is about 3.2km for the roundtrip, which will take less than one hour. It should be a nice physical exercise with nice scenery. Although this place is a little bit far from the central zone of Tokyo, it is worth visiting.


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