Typically the new years day is the most important yearly event for Japanese people. Many people will visit shrine or temple during new year days.
Most people visit shrines or temples in the morning on January 1st, but some visit there right after it turned to be the new year’s day (mid night).
Usually it is fearful to visit shrine or temple at midnight because no one is there. But the new year days are the exception. Many people are going there even at the night. The atmosphere in the night shrine is is very unique which has the both liveliness and dignity.

Yahagi shrine is located in Okazaki city in Aichi prefecture. It is just a local shrine, not a famous one. But I often visit this place for the yearly first visit because it is not too crowded and is near from my wife’s home town.
矢作神社は愛知県岡崎市にあります。地元の一神社で、決して有名ではありません。しかし、それほど混むことはなく、私の妻の実家の近くであるため、 初詣の場所としてよく行きます。