“Pachinko”. This business is very unique gamble amusement only in Japan. A pachinko machine looks like a vertical pinball which uses small (11 mm) steel balls. While a conventional pinball machine play with one ball fairly long time manipulating flippers by hands, a pachinko machine launch many small pachinko balls rapidly (every 0.6 second). The customer can only adjust the launch speed of the pachinko balls.
「パチンコ」 。このビジネスは世界の中で日本だけで見られるユニークなギャンブル形態です。 パチンコ台は小さな(11 mm)鋼球を使用する垂直ピンボールのようなものです。ピンボールマシンはフリッパーを駆使して1つのボールでかなり長い時間遊びますが、パチンコ機はパチンコ玉を高速(0.6秒ごと)に多く発射します。顧客はパチンコ玉の射出強さを調整するだけです。

There are some holes in a pachinko machine. If the pachinko ball get into the hole, there will be many type of reward with which the customer can get many balls. A pachinko ball has its own value (1 – 4.32 yen) depends on the rule in the pachinko hall. Customers can exchange the collected pachinko balls into cash. So pachinko business is one of gambling businesses in Japan.
パチンコ台にはホール(穴)があり、パチンコ玉がホールに入ると、様々なタイプの報酬が発生し、お客さんは多くの玉が得られます。パチンコ玉は、パチンコ店の規定に応じて1個の玉の価値(1〜4.32円)が決まっています。 お客様は、回収したパチンコ玉を現金に交換できます。 そのため、パチンコ事業は日本では賭博の一種とされています。

The gamble business is strictly prohibited in Japan. Actually we don’t have any casino here in 2019. Instead, we have many pachinko hall all over Japan (reported more than 9,000 halls in 2018.

However, pachinko is a very familiar legal gambling for Japanese residents. This is due to the clever structure of the pachinko parlor.
The structure is that the pachinko hall itself does not exchange the pachinko balls directly, but a cash exchange established separately from the pachinko parlor does the cash. If the customer wants to exchange money, instruct the pachinko hall to change money. Then the pachinko hall will give the customer a special prize. When the customer brings it to the exchange office near the pachinko parlor which is formally the separate entity from the pachinko parlor, the exchange office “buys” the prize and returns the cash to the customer. Thus there is a structure in which the pachinko parlor can avoid to exchange customer’s pachinko balls into cash. This structure is very primitive and obvious to avoid the Japanese law, but the Fukuoka High Court in Japan stated this structure legal in 1968.

Exchange shop must not be built inside the pachinko parlor. And some exchange place has currency exchange service. But the main purpose of this exchange shop is to exchange the special gift into cash for the customer who won.

In any case, I think that Pachinko is a unique entertainment that sublimes Japan’s delicate technology and taste, and is a Japanese culture that you should experience as long as you do not become an addiction.